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Requires version 2.6.1 or greater. See below if you are using an older version.

To update global packages, type:

npm update -g <package>

For example, to update a packages called jshint, you'd type:

npm update -g jshint

To find out which packages need to be updated, type:

npm outdated -g --depth=0.

To update all global packages, type:

npm update -g.

If you are using version 2.6.0 or less

For npm versions less than 2.6.1, run this script to update all outdated global packages.

However, please consider upgrading to the latest version of npm. To do this, type:

npm install npm@latest -g.

Last modified February 13, 2023           Found a typo? Send a pull request!



npm 用法

配置 npm
